Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Why Are French Women So Admirable?

What Make A French Women So French

Every year women from all over the world flock to France to partake in the next season’s fashion. What is it about the French that make them so admirable?

After our research, we conclude that, French women’s effortless chic is influenced by their elegance and sophisticated style. Some culture give preference to elaborating their hair, makeup or physical beauty, but French people is all about their clothes and carriage. The Parisians give special importance to what they wear and how they carry themselves.

Some basic rules to follow to making every woman look more sophisticated and elegant are;

- Keep It Simple. The Parisians does not spend long hours grooming themselves, instead they opt for pieces that are classic in shape, construction and colour. The French style is nonchalantly gorgeous and natural, and prefers high quality pieces.

- Wear the appropriate clothing for the appropriate occasion. The style of the French clothing is elegantly refined for the eyes and is a tradition to being dressed up well for all occasions. For example, casual wears like sweat pants and shorts are only to be used at the gym. You would rarely see a woman with these clothing on the streets of Paris.

- Timeless pieces. The Parisian city centre is inspired by the norms of designer pieces teamed with basics wardrobe pieces or beautiful accessories. You will see women carry classic items on the streets of Paris from designer boutiques such as Chanel, though the Chanel bag worn by an elegant lady in a café may be a decade old, but these timeless pieces have the potential to last a lifetime.

Check out two of Fabric Croissant most loved French Women

Audrey Tauto

And Marion Cotillard

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